ENGLISH Presidential videos two and three

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========================THANKS FOR DONATIONS

As the saying goes, all gave some and some gave all.

I am at the end of the “seed money” stage, when people who believe in me and this mission are investing in something that has not yet achieved “liftoff” but that will. I was gratified when a French comrade sent me this $60 cash donation:

Merci, camarade. Vive la France!

Moi, 2004, á Étretat en Normandie ancestrale

================HELP ME SAVE YOU


John de Nugent

213 Ekastown Road
Sarver PA 16055 USA

[20 miles north of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]



Telephone: 724.353.0154

Skype: John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)Donations:

–Cash in an envelope

–Blank money order (put in $ amount, not your name or to whom)

–MoneyGram (send from a Walmart or elsewhere)

–PayPal (to “john_denugent@yahoo.com”)


=============updated videos page!!!! Presidential videos two and three just released!

You, the reader, are among the very first persons to see my next two presidential videos, numbers two and three! I think, and hope and pray, these will be watched centuries from now, as part of the story of our victorious struggle for the rebirth of our race. (Scroll down a bit and follow the brief instructions.)


You will note that I have added a music sound track to everything now.

The whole idea is a moral awakening. There have been so many great books and videos on the PROBLEM.

It was contemplating the transformation of Finland from a land of sisu (“manly courage”) to a land of white men permitting gang rape of their women that made me slow down the launch of my movement. To see a magnificent people (a mere four million who stopped Stalin twice, in 1939-40 and 41-44) so corrupted shows that it is morality and God that are gone, not the facts OR OUR GOOD GENES.

If facts could transform us, the two Duke books, the Duke videos, and many other great sources of info would have sufficed. Dr. Pierce was a great scientist, intellectual and writer — with clear, logical, convincing facts….. but when I served him 1981-84 he had just two hundred members!

It will take an Aryan version of Islam — not its crazy teachings, but its effect: to make us warlike, believers, dominant and aggressive. That is the goal in the last two videos ahead of me.

If Hitler came back today, he would found a religion, like Islam, but for whites. America is now 50% minority. It will take a new kind of fanatic heroism. Political talk — it is too late for that. And the voting machines are rigged. Talking about immigrants, crime, Jews, etc. — all the good facts Dr. William Pierce provided — they are useful but they do not set the heart and soul in flames.

This is my mission: Set the world on fire!

My videos are long for two specific reasons:
1) a lifetime of programming by ZOG in white guilt, self-hatred, materialism and selfishness cannot be eliminated in one ten-minute video ;-)
2) the human as a kind of animal needs to know this first: WHO IS THE LEADER, and WHAT IS HIS PLAN?

Facts about Jews, blacks, Mexicans and muslims do not answer these questions.

“Who is the man and what is the plan?”

So they get 15 hours to come to know me, and trust me. And say. “This man looks like a real leader. Maybe we are not doomed……. Maybe we can still win!”

My task is to create a racial-religious tribe that will survive The BRUTAL End of the West.


* * *



These videos are big files.

Please pause each video below two seconds after it starts, and let it load for two minutes. Then start playing it again. It should flow well now.

(If after this step, any video stops spontaneously, it may be that your computer is older, or your Internet connection is slow.)

I would gladly use the Google-owned YouTube for these videos, but as thousands have experienced, YouTube does not believe in free speech if it threatens the tyrannical Jewish power to mentally, economically and politically control our lives and nation.

Both Google owners are Jewish. The two billionaire Google founders are Larry Page and Serge Brin. (Google was started with CIA money.)

These two arrogant Jewboys have deliberately sabotaged my free-speech efforts:

–damaging the sound synchronization on my videos,
–muting other videos,
–even deleting completely many of my videos, citing specious “coypright violations” in a selective and ludicrous way that mocks the Fair Use Act
blocked me from accessing my OWN YT channel, which now has death threats posted by other JEWS on it as “comments” that I cannot delete
–they have blocked me on my own two gmail accounts, claiming I was “spamming” when sending emails to WNs who 1) know me and 2) do not object to receiving my emails
–Jewgle even has reduced by fiat the number of search results on my name on the Google search engine from three million to 200,000. (It is still around three million on the Bing search engine from Microsoft.)

Since these Jews have declared open war on me, I would be a fool to entrust my videos, meant for the PUBLIC, to those who have declared openly they oppose me with every dirty trick in the book. Therefore these videos are on jrplayer. I will not beg the Jews for any favors by pulling one single punch. My goal is to save the best of our white race by lifting them up and by destroying the tyranny of Jewry over the world, not negotiating or compromising with them except over the terms of their surrender and the fate of their followers. The Jewish leaders themselves are mass-murderers. They are GENOCIDERS.

Please send me your feedback on how well these videos play for you and help us improve. Is my voice in synch with the movements of my mouth as I speak? (If not, we are being hacked again.) Does the playing stop and start? Please send me a report if you find problems, to:



PART ONE OF SIX (You may have seen this already. If so, skip dow to two and three.)

Please pause each video two seconds after it starts, letting it load for two minutes. The black line next to the little black upright bar shows how far you have already played. The gray line that is growing in length to the right of the bar shows how much of the video has loaded in advance of you seeing it. After waiting two minutes, click play and start watching again. And thank the Jewboys at Google that you have to take this extra step. Were these videos on YouTube, they would already have been deleted, as are the entirety of my spiritual videos one and two. DELETED BY THE JEWS. Thus my use of “jrplayer” instead of YouTube.


Please pause each video two seconds after it starts, letting it load for two minutes. Then click play again.


Please pause each video two seconds after it starts, letting it load for two minutes. Then click play again.

PART FOUR OF SIX (COMING) –SCRIPT FOUND HERE https://johndenugent.com/english/english-video-editing-needed-script-for-presidential-video-four






================WEBSITE VISITORS

09/29 @ 08:48 : Erfurt, DE [Germany]

09/29 @ 08:47 : Bordeaux, FR
09/29 @ 08:46 : Middleton, Wisconsin, US
09/29 @ 08:44 : Council Bluffs, Iowa, US
09/29 @ 08:43 : New York, New York, US
09/29 @ 08:43 : Middleton, Wisconsin, US
09/29 @ 08:41 : Toronto, CA
09/29 @ 08:39 : Crystal Lake, Illinois, US

A suburb N W of Chicago

09/29 @ 08:37 : Middletown, Maryland, US
09/29 @ 08:36 : Pawtucket, Rhode Island, US
09/29 @ 08:24 : Little Rock, Arkansas, US
09/29 @ 08:11 : Greensboro, North Carolina, US
09/29 @ 07:59 : Dublin, IE
09/29 @ 07:43 : Brussels, BE

09/29 @ 07:27 : Lake Wales, Florida, US
09/29 @ 07:12 : Chattanooga, Tennessee, US
09/29 @ 06:41 : Atlanta, Georgia, US
09/29 @ 06:31 : Varna, BG
09/29 @ 06:30 : São Paulo, BR[azil]

09/29 @ 06:20 : Carmichaels, Pennsylvania, US
09/29 @ 08:01 : Huntsville, Alabama, US

My grandfather John Thomas Colwell, as a federal auditor, audited the finances of the US space program, then centered in this city, and there he met the great German rocket scientist Wernher von Braun.

09/29 @ 04:42 : Paimio, FI
09/29 @ 04:41 : Bourg-en-bresse, FR

Préfecture…..this locality is not far from Solutré!

09/29 @ 04:00 : Gibsonia, Pennsylvania, US
09/29 @ 03:23 : Stevenage, GB
09/29 @ 12:48 : Chicago, Illinois, US
09/29 @ 11:40 : Coquitlam, CA
09/29 @ 06:15 : Kimberley, ZA
09/29 @ 05:34 : Mountain View, California, US
09/28 @ 10:52 : Dallas, Texas, US


================HELP ME SAVE YOU


John de Nugent

213 Ekastown Road
Sarver PA 16055 USA

[20 miles north of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]



Telephone: 724.353.0154

Skype: John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)Donations:

–Cash in an envelope

–Blank money order (put in $ amount, not your name or to whom)

–MoneyGram (send from a Walmart or elsewhere)

–PayPal (to “john_denugent@yahoo.com”)


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